Syracuse Public Library

Instructions For Use

This web-based database should be relatively easy to use. Any modern browser may be used, but for best results a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher is recommended.

To search for an obituary listing, just click on "Record Search" on the navigation bar and enter as much information about the person as you know.

You do not need to know the full name, just entering the first few characters is enough. For example, entering "BLA" in the last name field will return all "Black" as well as "Blair" records.

Capitalization of the data is not important, and the system is not sensitive to it. As such, "BLA", "Bla", and "bla" are all treated the same way.

You may enter a single year to search for information connected to that year, or you may enter a range to allow for broader searches.

After entering your search criteria, a list of all matching records will be returned.

The list consists of the full name, date of birth (if known) and date of the event (if known). If an online image of the record exists, an icon resembling a rolled-up newspaper will be displayed next to the record.

To view details of a person, just click on the record in the list and a page showing known details will be displayed. If an image of the obituary exists, you will be able to click on the icon resembling a rolled-up newspaper to display it.

Portions copyright Garrett Public Library, and used with permission.